Wellness Walks

Review of the year ~ 2024

wow – what a year…. The end of the year is the perfect time to step back, pause and see just how far you’ve come. As ever I want to start by expressing my heartfelt thanks to everyone who’s supported & encouraged us, become part of our fantastic (& growing) team or come along on […]

Outdooractive & Wellness Walks

We’ve partnered with Outdooractive Whilst the ability to use a map and a compass will always be foundational to both the training and qualification – not to mention the reality of being a walk leader – tools and skills evolve – very very few leaders don’t have some sort of mapping software on their phone […]

Why Outdoor Adventure Skills Are Disappearing and Why They Matter

Things to think about In an increasingly digital world, practical outdoor skills are becoming less common. Skills like navigation, basic survival knowledge, and nature awareness are often overshadowed by tech-based activities. Yet these skills are vital, especially for families. Participating in family adventure days that teach these skills can strengthen family bonds, build resilience, and […]

Starting a conversation; saving a life

Content warning This article talks about suicide. Why this matters… In 2018 there were 6859 preventable deaths in the UK & Republic of Ireland. 6859. Let that sink in for a moment. 6859. I’m talking about suicide and for many, it’s not a comfortable conversation. So let’s start by giving that number some context. In […]

Wellness Walks becomes a charity

It’s official ! On August 26th we saw the cumulation  of a lot of hard work – the logical next step in our journey – Wellness Walks is now an officially registered charity. What does it mean for the organisation ? Becoming a charity means that we can now be solely focused on our social […]

Support Volunteers Wanted

Can you help? If you’re reading this then the chances are you’re a fan of Wellness Walks – you love what we do and you know the massive difference it can make to peoples lives.As we transition to a Charity we’re looking to kickstart the next stage of our growth – our mission has always […]

Wellness on Water – what a day!

A different way to engage with nature Despite our name nearly all the team at Wellness Walks are also involved with some form of water-based activity – so slowly over the last year the idea to offer a new way for people to be socially engaged with the natural world has taken shape.We know that […]

The importance of family friendly

Making adventures easier Have a think about when the idea of adventure first entered your head? For many of us it was somewhere in childhood – maybe a thing we did with our parents or a youth group or just our friends. But often, later in life, things, even brilliant things get in the way. […]

Ways you can volunteer with us…

How you can get involved with Wellness Walks updated 2024… Our mission is simple – we want as many people in as many places as possible to be able to go on a totally free Wellness Walk delivered by a provably competent leader. In order to make that mission a reality we’re a volunteer focused […]